Drones In Construction

The construction industry has seen many advancements in recent decades, but one of the most dramatic developments to touch the job site is the use of high flying drones or UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles). These extremely maneuverable and easy to fly aircraft have become a critical tool for construction professionals who want to operate at maximum efficiency levels, as well as streamline their building timetables.

Construction Management

An aerial view of a construction site via drone technology can provide some extremely important and helpful insights to management teams, no matter what kind of project they are building. UAV’s have optimized productivity in many ways, such as providing teams with new tools in such areas as site layout configurations, land surveys and 3D mapping. The amount of data that can be gathered from drone flights is virtually unlimited. In addition, the job site inspection process has been greatly improved by giving construction crews previously unavailable views, which allows them to draw conclusions from information in minutes, instead of days.

Inventory Management Software

Properly managing inventory levels on a construction job site is critical to the financial health of every project. UAV/drone technology has proven to be a very powerful tool in the ever changing challenges of inventory management. Software calculations via 3D mapping technology are a much more accurate method of tracking inventory, as compared to crews on the ground trying to walk a site. Immediate data coming from drone software can play a significant role in maintaining adequate supply levels, which helps to avoid delay causing shortages or overspends. Through a simple UAV flight, supply chain management becomes much easier. By providing greatly improved efficiencies, drones have paid for themselves many times over on construction sites. This exciting new technology will continue to evolve and give construction professionals even better tools to utilize in the coming years.


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