Precision Agricultural Drone Use

The worlds of farming and precision agriculture have been profoundly impacted by technological advances in the last decade and one of the most important developments has been in the use of drones. Unmanned aircraft have revolutionized the way that agriculture producers asses and monitor their land. In fact, it is estimated that farming will be one of the heaviest utilizers of drone technology in the coming years.

The use of unmanned aircraft in agriculture is expected to save the industry millions of dollars in operating expenses, as the costs of utilizing drones is very small when compared to traditional planes or helicopters. As drones continue to emerge into the marketplace, their prices will be affordable for nearly all agricultural growers.

Precision Agriculture Technology

Drones are giving farm producers some very unique business advantages that had previously never been available to them. Aerial perspectives of fields helps growers accurately evaluate crop conditions in a highly comprehensive way, both at the macro and micro levels.

Drone mapping software gives farmers the ability to analyze data about topography, yield potential, as well as soil moisture levels. This critical information can be used to optimize bushels per acre, minimize disease and other adverse field conditions. Drones are able to provide insight all year round, as producers are always looking for data to help them maximize outcomes in the fall.

Additional UAV Uses in Agriculture

Farmers who raise cattle can also greatly benefit from drone technology. Thermal imaging has been successfully used to monitor the movements of herds and bird's eye views can help monitor water supplies and the condition of fence lines.

It is likely that drones will have the same profound impact on the precision agriculture industry in the 21st century that the mechanized tractor did 100 years ago. Unmanned aerial photography and video has given growers an economical and highly accurate method to gather and utilize new data in order to achieve the most successful yields possible.


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